
Zeek ZeroMQ Log Writer Plugin

A Zeek log writer that sends logging output using ZeroMQ.

This plugin uses the ZeroMQ "publish-subscribe" pattern, where Zeek is the publisher and a user-provided program is the subscriber.

Zeek publishes each log record as a ZeroMQ multi-part message containing two parts: the first part contains the Zeek log path (e.g. "conn"), and the second part contains the log record in JSON format. The first message part is needed so that the subscriber knows which type of log record is being received, and to allow subscribing to logs based on the Zeek log path.


This Zeek plugin should be compatible with any recent release of ZeroMQ and Zeek.

Before attempting to install this plugin, make sure you have installed ZeroMQ ( and Zeek.


This plugin can be installed as a Zeek package using the Zeek Package Manager (see

Alternatively, to build this plugin from source, use the following commands:

# ./configure
# make
# sudo make install

If the configure script fails to find ZeroMQ, then use the "--with-zmq" option to specify the prefix directory of the ZeroMQ installation.

In order to verify that the plugin was installed correctly, run the command "Zeek -N" and look for the ZeroMQ log writer in the output.


In order to enable logging to ZeroMQ, you must ensure that the plugin helper script gets loaded and you must specify a subscriber endpoint where logs will be sent.

Here is an example that you can add to your local.zeek (note that if you installed this plugin with the Zeek package manager and if you're using "@load packages" then you must omit the "@load" directive in all examples below). Be sure to change the example hostname and TCP port number to the correct values for your subscriber endpoint:

@load NCSA/ZeroMQWriter
redef LogZeroMQ::endpoint = "tcp://localhost:12345";

After running "zeekctl deploy", Zeek will write all logs to the specified endpoint using ZeroMQ. Note that all logs will also be written to disk, unless you've specifically configured Zeek otherwise.

If you don't want to send all logs, then you can specify which ones to send. For example:

@load NCSA/ZeroMQWriter
redef LogZeroMQ::endpoint = "tcp://localhost:12345";
redef LogZeroMQ::send_logs += { HTTP::LOG, Files::LOG };

After running "zeekctl deploy", Zeek will write the "HTTP" and "Files" logs to the specified endpoint using ZeroMQ.

Instead of specifying which logs to send via ZeroMQ, one could instead specify which logs to not send (all others will be sent). To do this, just replace "send_logs" with "excluded_log_ids":

@load NCSA/ZeroMQWriter
redef LogZeroMQ::endpoint = "tcp://localhost:12345";
redef LogZeroMQ::excluded_log_ids += { Conn::LOG, DNS::LOG };

ZeroMQ Endpoints

A ZeroMQ endpoint always has the form "transport://address", where "transport" is a transport protocol that ZeroMQ recognizes (such as "tcp" or "ipc"), and "address" is a transport-specific address. For the "tcp" transport protocol, an address consists of a hostname or IP address followed by a colon, and then a TCP port number. For the "ipc" transport, an address is the pathname to a UNIX domain socket.

Here are some examples of valid endpoints: "tcp://localhost:1234", "tcp://", "ipc:///var/tmp/mysocket".

Logging to Multiple Subscribers

If you want to send logs to more than one subscriber, then you will need to add log filters using the "add_filter" function, being careful to specify a value for the subscriber endpoint in the "config" field of each log filter. In the following example, a new filter is added to the DNS and HTTP log streams:

@load NCSA/ZeroMQWriter
redef LogZeroMQ::endpoint = "tcp://localhost:12345";
redef LogZeroMQ::send_logs += { HTTP::LOG, DNS::LOG, Files::LOG };

event zeek_init() &priority=-10
    local remote_filter_dns: Log::Filter = [
        $name = "remote-zmq",
        $writer = Log::WRITER_ZEROMQ,
        $interv = 0 sec,
        $config = table(["endpoint"] = "tcp://")

    local remote_filter_http: Log::Filter = [
        $name = "remote-zmq",
        $writer = Log::WRITER_ZEROMQ,
        $interv = 0 sec,
        $config = table(["endpoint"] = "tcp://")

    Log::add_filter(DNS::LOG, remote_filter_dns);
    Log::add_filter(HTTP::LOG, remote_filter_http);

After running "zeekctl deploy", Zeek will write the "HTTP", "DNS", and "Files" logs to a subscriber on the localhost, and the "HTTP" and "DNS" logs will also be written to a subscriber on another host.

Keep in mind that when you add a log filter with the same log path as an existing filter (this is applicable to the DNS and HTTP log streams in this example), then Zeek will append a string of the form "-N", where N is an integer, to the end of the log path so that each filter has its own unique log path (in the example above, the remote subscriber would see log paths of "dns-2" and "http-2").

How to Avoid Losing Log Messages

ZeroMQ will drop messages before a connection to a subscriber has been successfully established. This means if you start Zeek before starting a subscriber, then log records intended to be written via ZeroMQ will be dropped until Zeek is able to connect to the subscriber. Therefore, in order to avoid losing log records, it is important to make sure your subscribers are running before attempting to start Zeek.

It is also possible for Zeek to start sending log records while the ZeroMQ connection has not yet been fully established (this is called slow joiner syndrome by ZeroMQ). Their suggested way around this is to add a small delay before sending messages after connecting. The plugin allows you to set this delay in milliseconds like this (default is 0):

redef LogZeroMQ::zmq_connect_pause = 500;

Once a connection to a subscriber is established, then if it is interrupted, ZeroMQ will queue unsent messages in memory and they will all be sent when the connection is re-established. The maximum number of messages that will be queued in memory in such circumstances is called the high water mark (once the limit is reached, messages are dropped). The default value is 1000 but can be changed like this:

redef LogZeroMQ::zmq_hwm = 25000;

However, if Zeek terminates before an interrupted connection is re-established, then all unsent log records are discarded. In order to avoid this, make sure your subscribers are running before issuing the ZeekControl "stop", "restart", or "deploy" commands. You can specify the maximum amount of time that Zeek will wait before terminating until all unsent logs are sent by specifying the linger time (specified in milliseconds):

redef LogZeroMQ::zmq_linger = 3000;

In this example, if there are any unsent logs when Zeek decides to terminate, then Zeek will wait up to 3 seconds before giving up and discarding all remaining unsent logs.

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