

This zkg package implements a method of parsing Zeek logs to Redis. ZeekJS is utilised to achieve this. Using a Unix socket for data transmission, this package builds upon the log-bypass example, to enhance storage options and faster data analysis.

ZeekJS-Redis Diagram

The intent with the development of this package was to "kick the tyres" and gain familiarity with ZeekJS. The overall experience was positive; it was possible to create a working version of features that would have taken me much longer to develop in Zeek's standard C++ plugin architecture. Time saved enabled implemention of more involved config options.


1. Run the test PCAP through Zeek:
After installing the package run the test pcap with zeek.

/opt/zeek/var/lib/zkg/clones/package/zeekjs-redis.git# zeek -C LogAscii::use_json=T -r testing/Traces/zeekjs-redis-test.pcap ./scripts/index.js

-C avoids checksum errors, LogAscii::use_json=T enables JSON formatted logs. Note, if installing from a local git pull, the pathway is likely:

PREFIX_PATH=$(zeek-config --prefix)

2. Access Redis using the CLI:
Connect to Redis through the Unix socket to query the results.

/opt/zeek/var/lib/zkg/clones/package/zeekjs-redis.git# redis-cli -s /var/run/redis/redis.sock

3. View the keys stored in Redis:
Check what keys are in Redis after running Zeek.

redis /var/run/redis/redis.sock> KEYS *
1) "zeek_packet_filter_logs"
2) "zeek_conn_logs"

4. Retrieve log data from Redis:
Fetch the stored conn logs.

redis /var/run/redis/redis.sock> LRANGE zeek_conn_logs 0 -1

Example Output:

1) "{\"ts\":1616775350.763199,\"uid\":\"XXX\",\"id\":{\"orig_h\":\"\",\"orig_p\":53537,\"resp_h\":\"\",\"resp_p\":31981},\"proto\":\"tcp\",\"conn_state\":\"S0\",\"local_orig\":true,\"local_resp\":true,\"missed_bytes\":0,\"history\":\"S\",\"orig_pkts\":1,\"orig_ip_bytes\":44,\"resp_pkts\":0,\"resp_ip_bytes\":0}"
24) "{\"ts\":...


Install with zkg:

zkg install https://github.com/mbispham/zeekjs-redis.git

The following options can be used to create a suitable environmental for the package

--install-npm-dependencies Install npm dependencies from package.json (N/y)
--install-redis-cli        Install redis-cli if not present (N/y)
--redis-conf-path=PATH     The path to Redis config (Default = /etc/redis/redis.conf)
--redis-socket-path=PATH   The path to Redis socket (Default = /var/run/redis/redis.sock)
--start-redis-server       Start redis server (N/y)

Install with --force if you want to install npm dependencies separately, use default settings, or modify scipts/.env directly:

zkg install https://github.com/mbispham/zeekjs-redis.git --force

Filtered Log Usage

If the intention is to export specific fields from Zeek logs to Redis, an example modification to index.js is outlined below:

  logID = logID.replace(/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/g, '$1_$2').toLowerCase();

  const logFile = `${logID}.log`;
  const redisKey = `zeek_${logID}_logs_orig_ip_bytes`;
  const logRec = zeek.select_fields(logData, zeek.ATTR_LOG);
  if (!('orig_ip_bytes' in logRec)) {

  const origBytes = logRec.orig_ip_bytes;
  const serializedData = stringify(origBytes);




zeekjs-redis is free and open-source software licensed under the 3-clause BSD license.

Feedback and Contributions

Feedback and/or contributions are welcome.

Package Version :