By salesforce
Protocol analyzer that detects, dissects, fingerprints, and logs GQUIC traffic
By corelight
HASSH is used to identify specific Client and Server SSH implementations. The fingerprints can be stored, searched and shared in the form of an MD5 fingerprint. This package logs components to ssh.log
By corelight
v28.0.0 - A Zeek script using Input Framework to get icann_tld, icann_domain, icann_host_subdomain, and is_trusted_domain from a DNS query. The field icann_host_subdomain contains the remaining query nodes after the domain is removed. The is_trusted_domain is populated from a separate Input Framework set.
By salesforce
JA3 creates 32 character SSL client fingerprints and logs them as a field in ssl.log. These fingerprints can easily be shared as threat intelligence or used as correlation items for enhanced alerting and analysis. This package also adds JA3 to the Zeek Intel Framework.